QUIZ: Do You Have Emotionally Abusive Parents?

  • Question of

    Do your parents threaten to hurt you?

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do they compare you with your siblings or friends who are doing much better?

    • Yes
    • No
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    Are you scared of saying “No” to them?

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do your parents call you names or ridicule you?

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do your parents expect perfect behavior at all times? And when you make a mistake, do they make you feel bad?

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do your parents ignore you?

    • All the time. That’s why sometimes I purposely get in trouble to get their attention.
    • Most of the time. When I’m talking, they don’t even look at me.
    • No, my parents make sure to spend time with me.
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    Do they invalidate your feelings? (anxiety, depression?)

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do your parents threaten to disown you or hurt you for your choices? (religion or sexuality?)

    • Yes. I hide my true self because my parents threatened to disown me for my sexuality.
    • My parents always say I’m an embarrassment to the family.
    • Never. My parents love and accept me for who I am.
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    Do they criticize the way you look? (your body weight, hair color?)

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do they provoke you to start an argument?

    • Yes. My parents know the right buttons to push to make me angry.
    • Sometimes, when they’re in a bad mood and I happen to be around them.
    • Never. They don’t provoke me or start an argument for no reason.